I had a look-see at SamuraiFrog's lovely Godzilla Haiku Tumblr and noticed he has the ability to accept submissions.
So, I copied him and now have my own submission page. Thank you, SF!
I have started another Tumblr, Sidewalk Liquor.
It will consist of pictures taken of liquor bottles sitting/laying/shattered on the sidewalk.
No wine bottles, no beer bottles. Liquor only.
This is may by strangest and pointless idea ever. WON'T YOU PLEASE JOIN ME?

Should we pose liquor bottles? Or just take pictures of liquor bottles in situ?
Preferably in situ, but if you want to pose liquor bottles, pose liquor bottles!
Can I drink the liquor, pose the bottle, then take the picture?
If we find one in situ, should we take the snapshot then dispose of the liquor bottle? That would be my intention, unless it's broken.
Where do you want the photo's sending to ???
Flannery, now I feel like a jerk. I don't know, I kind of like leaving the items where I see them, but you can clean them up if you want to.
David, for now forward them to the email listed on my Blogger profile.
I was going to ask "Where the hell do you live that this is a viable endeavor." Glad you're seeking collaboration. I live in Cincinnati, so if I run across the rare bottle of liquor (as opposed to malt liquor), I will certainly think of you and be a part of the cause!
Oh, I'm all about the Godfathers - Don Julio, Don Eduardo, Don Alvaro, Don Camilio...
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