But I need a doodle idea to get me started again. First commenter with an idea gets one.
I may get to the other commenter's requests later, but the first commenter definitely gets a doodle. For Tengrain -- Dick Cheney eating an ice cream cone with Osama, holding hands.

I hope Tengrain will give me some slack regarding this doodle. I left out the holding hands part, but I think it's clear they are enjoying each other's company regardless.
Dick Cheney eating an ice cream cone with Osama, holding hands.
Oh Splotch, I am so happy about your surrendering to your mad dooodling ablilities! (I put a request out for "Who's in Charge?" in my latest post, BTW.)
Or at least her fries
Mike Huckabee disco dancing with Hillary Clinton while Bill deals coke at the bar in the background.
It's early.
Two Bananas in a gunfight.
I love these things. You don't mind if I try this once do you? Blatantly ripping off is the sincerest form of flatery, you know.
Yikes, that's a lotta tongue from Big Dick. More than I EVAH wanted to see.
jon, have at it.
That's so heartwarming for a Monday. And by "heartwarming," I mean hell.
Splotch- You nailed Dick (sorry- that sounds bad.)
Jon- I wish you well with your pursuit of the imitation Splotchy doodle. As such a pursuer myself, I highly recommend the experience. I warn you though, it is a bit addictive.
I'm glad you put it like that "ripping off is the sincerest form of flatery."
I couldn't agree more.
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