Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Secret Lair Of Doctor Doom... constructed by my daughter.

I believe Dr. Doom is attempting to reanimate the skeleton.

Click on each pic for larger awesomeness.


Some Guy said...

That is awesome. Any idea how the paintbrush factors in?

dguzman said...

Ze German writing on ze boxes makes it spooky!

Joe said...

dguzman beat me to that comment.

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

I used to make similar scenes with my He-Man toys, though it was usually Teela who was lying down. And He-Man was usually lying down too.

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

...And Orko was watching.

Randal Graves said...

Yeah, what's with the German stuff? Dr. Doom was a Nazi?

Splotchy said...

Some Guy, not sure. I'll ask.

Randal G, we didn't have a Red Skull action figure available.

Splotchy said...

The IR, did you just turn me on?

Nope, not at all.

Comrade Kevin said...

Ve haf vayz uf making you talk, yuz!

Max the drunken severed head said...

A cool post.

I love pictures laden with schadenfreude!