Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Streaking For The Shy


(NSFW, if you didn't gather that by the thumbnail below)

Streaking For The Shy


Some Guy said...

Nice work, Splotch! I can remember reading the screenplay way back when. I'm glad I got to see it committed to film.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I really liked your film. You used a lot of interesting shots. The only thing that prevents me from totally loving it is that one dude who is super hairy. He kind of grossed me out.

Timothy Donavan Russell said...

It was a joy to make, and it's a joy to watch it put all together, man. Good job!

Doc said...

Splotchy, I can't say enough good things about this!

The script was tight. You chose good actors. The special effects were flawless and much better than I would have expected, and you couldn't have asked for better make up artist than Nora!

I have been eagerly awaiting the final cut and you have every reason to be proud!


Randal Graves said...

Dude, that was excellent. You really deserve to have this shown somewhere.

Monty49 said...

Good work! Your film was fun to watch. You should be proud of what you've accomplished.

Splotchy said...

Thank you so, so, so much for all the nice comments!!!!

It means a lot to me.

Unknown said...

Really nice. I want to know more about these guys. I also like the piano being a little out of tune. It fits.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

Lovely work. You've definitely got the moxie for the movie thing! xo

Elizabeth McQuern said...

Also love the music and the end, and agree that a slightly-out-of-tune piano is somehow better than one in perfect pitch.

Elizabeth McQuern said...

Love it!!! Nice job! Very funny and well-made. I loved the special effects, too. *I* still don't know how to make cars blow up.

Splotchy said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

Freida Bee said...

Hey wow, I never saw this. It is really great!

Splotchy said...

Thanks, Freida! :-)

Cormac Brown said...

Great writing, some nice composition right on down to the shot of the mantis, and unlike most shorts that I've seen, a nice payoff. Well done, sir.

Virginia Llorca said...

Oak Park?

Splotchy said...

Yeah, some parts of the beginning. Where the first guy gets picked up, and the first shot of the driving montage.