Wheels 1 - Pole Position

This was the first driving game I saw in the arcade that looked pretty cool, with a nice use of perspective. It's been done a thousand times better since, but this was the thing back in "the day."
Wheels 2 - Moon Patrol

This is one of my favorite games. It's a helluva lotta fun, and you really feel the motion and excitement as you're driving while being attacked by spaceships, molecules and clods of dirt.
Wheels 3 - Paperboy

I still think this is one damn fine looking game. It's kind of difficult throwing papers and have them hit people's porches/mailboxes, as perspective is kind of funky. Still, you haveta love a game where the young boy protagonist drops some profanity after hitting a fire hydrant.

Wheels 4 - Stocker

I could be remembering wrong, but I think that my brother was into this game. One neat thing about the game is that when you drive off the road, your car leaves dirt tracks across the grass. A dumb movie fact: in The Color of Money, Tom Cruise's character Vincent is introduced playing Stocker, so that's something, I guess. I was going to include Spy Hunter in my quiz instead of this game, but wasn't able to capture a decent sound sample. Ah, well.
Wheels 5 - Kick

This game is a lot of fun. You control a clown on a unicycle, moving him left and right with a trackball. You catch balloons on his head -- sometimes they pop, sometimes they stick to your head and you slowly build up a big hat o' balloons. One of my favorite games, though it kind of sucks playing through a MAME emulator on the keyboard, as you can't whip the clown back and forth as fast you would be able to via a trackball.
Next quiz... guys with guns (including my all-time favorite arcade game)!
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