Unfortunately, the videos of YouTube are not forever archived. Consequently, if someone attempts to view a video you posted a while back, there is a possibility that the embedded link to YouTube on your post will be unable to play the video.
For example, if you were to attempt to view my submission for the Gayest Video Ever ™ contest, you would be presented with the following:

If I may be so bold, I would like to suggest the YouTube people add one more line of verbiage to a video that fails to play:

You could always post this one instead.
maybe you can draw them a doodle of what you want to they will have more incentive to do it
cg, unfortunately that video is missing the best part -- the cheesy dialog scenes preceding the music, including the classic line, "Mr. Sting! Wakey-wakey!"
dc, I'm glad you recognize that doodles are the currency of the 21st century.
That's the most potty mouthed you've ever been...
I be emotionally scarred
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