My main stumbling block at this point is just rendering the relationships via an image I'm creating in Paint Shop Pro 10. It became painfully obvious to me that I need some sort of computer program in which I can input relationships, and have the program sort out how to graphically represent the relationships. I might have the skillset necessary to write such a program, but I'm lazy.
Even if I had such a program, the image it would generate would likely be incredibly, wackily complicated.
From the different main threads of the people I have tagged, the one continued by SamuraiFrog seemed to be one of the less active ones (mostly due to the fact that only the Chris subbranch seemed to be thriving), so I thought I would try and document it first. As you can see from the diagram, it's still pretty damned busy.
Click for a larger image

I could choose to diagram only the people that were successfully infected, but I think it misses some of the point when you aren't able to see who *didn't* get infected.
So, for now, I give up on my graphic representation. If anyone wants to take a whack at it (I saw Tom postulating some possible alternatives to a "tree" representation in a comment on an earlier post), by all means give it a try. But please don't put a lot of effort into it, as I don't want to be responsible for anyone's eyes bleeding or head exploding.
I'm still trying to follow all the story threads, leaving comments and such, but it's a crazy, gloriously diseased world out there.
i got hit with the virus yesterday but i cant treat it until today
I suck at diagrams and such things but my needy inner franiam says "where's me?" - i infected many.
oh me and my endless whining... where's my doodle, where's my diagram.
my ass is going to get thrown off this bl...
wait- are you trying to tell me something???
dc, just remember to keep it bandaged and away from cell phones.
franiam, your thread of the story was particularly virulent. I wanted to start out with one of the less active threads and eventually proceed to do your thread and freida b's, but even with the first thread I got overwhelmed. Just to be sure, we're square on the doodles now, aren't we?
I enjoyed contributing to the virus. That's fun stuff!
Thanks for coming by my blog to check things out. Yes, those are indeed Lambchop links. I love Lambchop, and only discovered them 3-4 months ago but already have Damaged, AwCmon, No YouCmon, Nixon, Is a Woman, and the recent collection of B-sides and rarities. I find it hard to choose a favorite from those ones I have. I think Is a Woman might be the overall best, but Damaged is also very good, kind of a new direction for the group.
I noticed you are a Feelies fan, too! I have all four of their CDs (unless there are others I don't know about) and their latter three CDs are on my mp3 player in their entirety.
snave, be still my beating heart! Another Feelies fan! There are a few Feelies B-sides, but you pretty much have most of their stuff.
Definitely pick up Lambchop's earlier albums as well -- What Another Man Spills is probably my favorite.
This virus was really nice for me -- I have found a lot of cool blogs such as yours as a result.
Hey, JD kept my tag going, too.
Yeah, I know. He's on there, but he's all broken off from you, over on the right. At the time I uploaded the image, it was in a state where he was still disconnected from you.
I was in the midst of moving him so I could make room for the Chris thread (you can see the lines I broke).
Another reason that it's sucky to do a graphical representation of the virus in a paint program -- at the time I did it, no one had taken and run with J.D.'s tag, but that's not to say that someone wouldn't.
It would have to be a reasonably robust program to constantly update links if people decided to accept a tag and in turn tag others.
Your virus is back at you. I tagged you to follow up. :P
Wyldth1ng, you devil!
Groovy. I was wondering if I was going to get tagged.
I did my own flow chart if you want to gander at it.
With all this hard work can I get prize out of it?
Instead of a doodle, which I would cherrish always, could you link me on your site?
That diagram makes you look like God.
Wyldth1ng, all right, linkage you seek, and linkage you shall have.
grant, what do you mean, "look like"?!
There's a MS Office program that you can use to make orginization charts, but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head.
I have it on my computer at work, but I can't tell you what it is because I'm on man-ternity leave right now.
Are you thinking of Visio?
That's it!
I shoulda known that. Stupid brain cramp.
Did you call me virulent?
The nerve!
(tee hee)
Hey, Captain Incredible did it, so...
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