So, I was kind of panicking last night about the upcoming audition we're holding for my short film, S________ for the S__. I wasn't feeling very prepared.
So that's when I reached for the 3-ring binder. This one little stupid object makes me feel so much better about the film -- more organized, more in control. Now I can break this large project into more digestible pieces.
I have separators in my binder. Script! Schedule! Budget! Cast/Crew! Props! Camera!
I have a brand new lefty spiral notebook in my binder, that I swiped from MizSplotchy. I have Post-Its. I have pens.
I am so ready.
You go, man. Go on with your film-making self.
It's all about the office supplies, man.
What about little colored flags? I have extras ...
I hope you're not going to release this thing, then a mere few months later, stick the director's cut with four hours of bonus material on the shelves.
Tim, I's will try my's best.
d, indeed.
beth, send 'em over!
randal g, not only am I planning doing that, but I have also tapped Andy Serkis to be interviewed for some Bonus Featurettes, despite the fact that he will make no appearance in the film.
i stopped using binders three years ago in favor of large cardboard boxes. professional? probably not. raw? absolutely.
Office supplies - like a narcotic to the troubled soul.
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