For the purpose of telling him to go away, I'm going to try and keep President Bush in my sidebar for as long as I can stomach it (yes, you are correct, it makes absolutely no sense).
I'm getting sick of seeing that same picture, so I welcome anyone who wants to doctor it.
If you wish to provide me with a picture, please adhere to a few simple rules:
1) Use the pic above as the starting point for your picture.
2) Don't change the dimensions or size of the original pic - it has to fit in my sidebar.
3) Don't obscure the yellow lettering (I don't want people thinking I support the man, for crissakes).
There are some bloggers out there who are also sporting "Go Away, Bush " sidebar items, and I'm sure they would appreciate your contributions just as much as I.
I actually have a couple doctored pics ready to go, but it won't be enough to last me through the remainder of the Bush presidency.
America needs YOUR HELP.
Thank you, and God Bless The Blogosphere.
p0nk has contributed two pictures to the Bush sidebar cause!
I'm especially enamored of this one, referencing one of my favorite mugshots from The Smoking Gun.

Falwless has made some solid contributions as well.

Some Guy has given the world this unholy union:

Blaniage (my brother) has provided several wonderful pics, including this very disturbing one (Bush without pancake makeup!):

Another unholy union! This time Cheney and Condi get some face time, thanks to DGuzman:

Tim has joined the fray:

As has Jess!

Ed has joined the "Go Away, Bush" Army!

Manx has provided some "Go Away, Bush" goodness:

Blaniage has provided several more wonderful pics, including a mashup of my adopted actor's breakout role from The Warriors (this explains Bush's foreign policy quite well, I think):

Germaine Gregarious has given us someone I can tumble for -- Boy George Bush!

Beckeye submitted this well-crafted addition:

Another stellar contribution from Germaine Gregarious:

Gifted Typist has found this exciting new species:

More goodness from Beckeye:

One final pic from my brother::

Thank you Beckeye for Cletus Bush!

You may or may not have noticed, but I'm updating the bottom of the Go Away, Bush page with any contributions I get.
I have no photoshop skills but I hope someone else steps up!
my two offerings...
here and here
Oh my golly that paint huffer thing is the best thing ever made in the history of the Internet!!!!
paint huffer is indeed a classic, showing up in nearly every photoshop contest fark has ever had.
haha, nice one falwless!
Here's mine. Kudos to whoever recognizes who this is.
My entries are here and here.
Why would you do this?
Haven't the last eight years been punishment enough?
This is really therapeutic! Here's another!
some guy--why, it's Screech of course.
This is seriously addictive. Especially at work. Not so much at home, interestingly.
WOW! I think I'll have to play around with Chimpy's ugly mug!
I posted my version in my sidebar--Cheney's (compound) eyes, Condi's mouth-like orifice.
DGuzman, that composite pic ROCKS!!!
I got one for you too. Maybe it is too obvious, but given the remarks of the chimpster last week I thought, what the hell.
D'oh! my link didn't work. Well, it's on top of my sidebar. Try this link
I put one of my own on my sidebar. I don't know how to do the photobucket thing, though.
This is brilliant fun.
Two more... here and here.
Bush as Robin with Cheney as Batman lurking over his shoulder... I like it.
This is worse than crack, almost as bad as World of Warcraft. Here are two more: go home, and a one for da Splotch.
Just one more.
My dear, it seems I've come late to the party. Here is my version of Boy George
germaine--that is serious talent. Most brilliant. Love it!
Ha! Blaniage is right this is sooo much fun! I had Enrique, um I mean, I attempted Nurse Ratched but it just didn't come across properly. So I've done someone else, just as suitable.
It's George Lecter
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