What the hell is with the tagline? Believe in something better? What, am I spiritually bankrupt? Am I empty? Is the world that awful?
What the hell is this ad trying to convey? It's insulting, whatever it is.

Other people's posts:
I like it! Yay!
I don't like it! Boo! (where I "borrowed" the above image)
No sir, I don't like it. Bad layout and fonts, too.
Can I believe in something better than a cell phone? I'm thinking Tooth Fairy.
Cell phones? I thought it was a billboard used in third world countries, encouraging poor people to ship their kids over to Hollywood so they can be adopted by celebrities and live better lives.
Damn atheists.
I'm thinkin' that's a young Sarah Palin callin' out to all her supporters in Godlyland to rise up and demand sumthin' better for GODS! chosen PEOPLE! th'n all that godless communist stuff coming outta that brown feller. Youbetcha!
I'm with Timothy. Badly designed billboard. It's crap.
Is that a child in a cardboard box? I guess they’re saying having a cell phone is better than being a child in a cardboard box. Come on Splotchy, it’s not that complicated.
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