MizSplotchy has been training many weeks for the Chicago Half Marathon, which starts out in beautiful Jackson Park early Sunday morning (September 14th). Yes, MizSplotchy will be running on Lake Shore Drive during this race. Yes, she is hot-doggity cool.
There was a brief moment during her training when she was worried about a leg injury that might affect her ability to run, but that injury is now a thing of the past.
Please join the Splotchy family in wishing MizSplotchy a safe, happy and healthy race!
Run, MizSplotchy, run!
Hope it all goes well!
Run MizSplotchy Run!
(is she a woo-woo girl????)
If people get in your way, trip them. It's perfectly legal.
Good luck, MizSplotch!
You go girl!
Good luck, MizSplotchy!
Yea MizSplotchy!
Awesome, MizSplotchy! I only run when someone is chasing me.
Run, Mizsplotchy, run! Chase Getkristilove! She sounds like an excellent pacemaker!
That is so cool. Tell her I said great job, and sorry I couldn't run with her. Tell her running with me would've been like dragging a file cabinet with her for 13 miles.
Run, MizSplotchy! Run to glory!
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