And how can I avoid it?
I fruitlessly tried to get the shitty banner ad this woman was on to reappear so I could get a wider snapshot of it.
I am pretty sure it was for Dove soap. I have no idea what the hell her expression had to do with that product.
No, no, no, she's not advertising.
What's up with the constant negation comments?
Is it constant negation comments week?
Wait, don't tell me, I know the answer already...
"No, no, no, it's not constant negation comments week."
It's in response you to your negative comment left on my barn of the week photo. I hate negative comments like that so I thought I'd do the same to you so maybe you'd learn to stop doing it to me.
Disagreement is one thing but to blantantly just be negative and deny is extremely annoying.
Ohhhhh. Now I understand.
Man, I was just being silly. I didn't mean for it to be taken as anything negative. I didn't really think twice about the comment that I left (that's why I didn't get your reference).
I'm sorry that it made you feel bad. Email me if I do something that bothers you, okay? I would have deleted it as soon as you told me you had a problem with it.
As you can probably see, I don't really understand some things until someone explicitly says it to me. It's a superpower.
it burns!
Clearly she is advertising grimacing cream.
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