This was a really fun mix for me, because when I first announced the mix, I didn't have my songs already picked out. I didn't know what letters I would be responsible for until all the rest of the participants had gotten assigned their letters. If fact, I believe on this particular mix I ended up being the last guy to pick his songs. It's nice to be last sometimes!
So, the letters I had were K through O (Metallic K-O!!!).
I was actually a little depressed when I put my songs together, which definitely had an influence on my choices. I'm still satisfied with how my choices turned out. It's nice to occasionally have a particular emotion influence the selections.

King's Lead Hat - Brian Eno
This is a very nice rockin' song from Before And After Science. The title is an anagram for "Talking Heads".

Off the great album Dare. You can find the Human League's biggest hit, "Don't You Want Me" on the same record, but in my opinion, "Love Action" kicks the holy crap out of it. A really great synth pop song. I was a little reluctant to include it here, as I have a future mix planned for synthesizer music where this would surely have had a spot. Oh, well. It starts with 'L', I reckon.

Wow, choosing an 'M' song was incredibly difficult. There are so many songs I love that start with 'M' -- there's "Move On Up" by Curtis Mayfield. There's a great song by Stephin Merritt's band the 6ths called "Movies In My Head" (with vocals by Yo La Tengo's Georgia Hubley!). And there were many more I won't list here. I decided to go with a song I like a lot, but you might have not heard before. Kramer is a man of many talents (no, he wasn't on Seinfeld). He ran a great independent record label, Shimmy Disc. He produced albums for bands like Galaxie 500. He was one-half of Bongwater, with actress Ann Magnuson. He also put out a few solo records. My wife actually had this CD, which I borrowed when we started dating. I hadn't heard any of his music before. I think this is just a really nice pop song. I really love how the harmonica kicks in at the end.

It's an unwritten law of the music hipster. You must own a copy of Big Star's Third/Sister Lovers. It's a really strange, haunting album. This is one of the best tracks off the record, beautiful and melancholy. An FYI: if I was assigned the letter 'J', I would most likely have included the song "Jesus Christ", also off this same album.

Oblivious - Galaxie 500
One of my all-time favorite Galaxie 500 songs, off their first album, Today. A really pretty song, with some nice slightly sad, defeatist lyrics.
And now you're right all the time
And I'm just oblivious
I'd rather stay in bed with you
Till it's time to get a drink
Kings Lead Hat put the poker in the fire! And so does Splotchy!
Great choices and descriptions! I like the inclusion of little pictures this time!
idear, I will try my darnedest to get to it today.
bubs, he will come, he will come, he will surely come! Oh, and I might take a little time to get to your seven facts thingy -- I want to do a musical facts version of the meme, but I haveta convert a couple songs on cassette to MP3.
tim, thanks! Some people just did too good a job at their own selection discussion posts [glares at you], so I felt like I should spruce mine up as well.
I don't know Kramer, Big Star, or Galaxie 500. You've got a pretty cool collection I must say. Now I've got some serious listening to get to.
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