I only have recently heard the term "POTUS" (an acronym for President of the United States), but now every time I hear it spoken or read it in print a certain image is conjured up for me -- one of a disinterested, slack-jawed moron that got to his unearned position through powerful connections and money rather than through hard work, dedication, and intellectual honesty.
So, here's to you, POTUS!
Ya mean Potus ain't the slack-jawed knuckle dragging mouth breathin' big brother of Cletus?
Maybe you could doodle a picture of Cletus and Potus 'at time 'ney gone fishin' with TNT.
Just wondering.
Sounds like poultice, you know a heated moist stuff created by someone's grandmother to draw puss from wounds.
personification of the ugliest shrub.
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