I thought the first ones I saw were sort of funny, but then these kinds of pictures started appearing everywhere.
Next, a few sites sprung up, devoted to all things FAIL.
I really started disliking the whole business, because:
1) Most of the time, it wasn't funny.
2) It was often mean-spirited.
3) I'm tired of people lazily shitting on other people/things for a cheap laugh.
4) I'm tired of people lazily shitting on other people/things in general.
It's okay to make light of others on occasion, etc. (hey, it must be okay if *I* do it!), but for something to have sneering at anything and everything else as its sole purpose -- well, it's just too much for me to take.
For this, FAIL meme, you fail.

But how am I supposed to label my endless string of personal failures?
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