Hi folks.
I am sad to announce the end to the Green Monkey Music Project.
I'm sorry to all the Monkey Masters who have not yet received the chance to make their own mix, and especially sorry to Beckeye, whose mix had just revved up. Once I get the song order from her, I'll post the tracklisting for Volume 10 (but without the songs).
One thing I have really enjoyed in doing this bloggy thing over the past few months is the ability to connect with other people in interesting ways, whether it's encouraging others to adopt a character actor, or making a mix tape with a variety of people across the globe.
Thanks everyone for your participation.
The Green Monkey What Lives In My Brain (deceased)
[twitch] [twitch]
The fates just keep laughin' at me.
R.I.P. Green Monkey. We'll miss you.
sadness....much sadness......
why, Splotch?
Look how sad the green monkey looks in that picture! He was a good monkey and I am sure he is in a far far better place, but he will be missed.
Goodbye little green monkey.
I am sad for the little green monkey, and sad for the splotchy. Green monkey will live forever in our hearts.
Que paso to the green monkey?
It was fun while it lasted. Thanks for all you did, Splotchy!
I am remiss that I never got to participate, but totally understand why you would let the little guy go. Thanks for putting in all the effort while you did.
Noooooooooooooooooooo! I just earned my master belt, Sir Splotch! Any way we can keep it alive?
I was wondering if you would get a 'cease and desist' order for that... Is that what happened? Whatever it was, valiant effort my friend. You all came up with some good stuff, and I got exposed to some bands I'd not heard of and now like! Thanks!
Thanks a lot for everyone's kind wishes.
Again, I'm sorry I abruptly yanked out the plug.
I won't discuss the details of the end of this project, if only to make it more sexy and mysterious than it really is.
I have a Green Monkey Music Project that I've bandied about.
I think I will do it now.
Also, I hate people that use the phrase "bandied about."
That little monkey was so high maintainance. I don't blame you one bit.
Thanks for teaching the world to sing, little primate.
I broke the monkey. Typical me.
Waaah! No more monkey?! I blame the media. Mainly because I like to blame the media for pretty much everything.
oh drat. I loved getting a new music fix every couple of days, although I was wondering if you were becoming overwhelmed with all of that downloading and posting. Thanks for putting it all together for us. It was fun.
It was a most excellent monkey while it lasted.
Someone call Bill Frist! For the love of God, SOMEONE CALL BILL FRIST!!!!!
This is what it's like when doves cry.
Thanks so much for your time and dedication to music addicts everywhere. I'm off to the free clinic since it appears I will not be getting my fix here today.
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