It was largely deserted, except for some cars parked down at Mike's Anodizing at the northern end of the block.
I dunno. It could work, but my search might not be over yet. It's not that bad for a deserted industrial area, which is what I'm looking for.
What do ya think?

Looks great! Will you have the seclusion you need to shoot there?
The first location does look more run-down, but the sort of clean emptiness of this site could be kind of eerie (especially given that grim wall)...
Depends on what you really need. It does seem deserted enough for you to film w/o being interrupted all the time by things. But, like John said, it's kind of a "cleaner/newer" type of deserted space. It really just depends on what you're envisioning. Back in college, I used to break into abandoned industrial buildings from time to time to take photographs & such. When I think of "deserted industrial areas," those places pop into my mind --truly deserted places, crumbling into the ground, etc. Of course, you'd have to take your chances with filming in spots like that because there's no way you'd get permission... So, they lend themselves to small casts who aren't afraid to break a law or two.
Bubs, yeah it's pretty secluded, though I'm a little uneasy about the neighborhood. Dammit, why don't they put deserted industrial areas near fancy shopping districts?!!
John, yeah that wall is definitely grim.
bsuwg, I would love to find me some crumbly industrial areas. I was alertly scanning the neighborhoods as I was coming in on the train this morning. I think I might try some more location scouting on the south side of Chicago.
Thanks for everyone's feedback. Keep it comin'.
I really like this location, especially with the color contrasts of the red brick and the butane-blue sky. I also like the repetitiveness of all those windows, going back forever.
That looks very familiar somehow.
d, yeah, I liked the openness of this street, that the sky is visible and counterpoints the industrial landscape.
mr. miller, have you ever been to Mike's to have something anodized? His place is just down the block.
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