I have seen a billboard for this new deodorant a couple times in the last week, while driving into downtown Chicago on I-290.
Both times I saw it I initially misread the product's name as Putrefaction, which for some reason brought much joy to my heart.
It looks like Pure Ejection to me.
I thought it said pure fiction, but I think I've been reading too much political crap.
I like your misread much better.
That's like yesterday when I was signing up for something here in cyberworld and it asked for my birth date and I entered the year 1866 instead of 1977 (those keys are one over from 1977, you see). Then I laughed and laughed, because, c'mon, 1866? Me born in 1866??!
Listen, I promise this was funny when it happened.
Putrefaction is the story of the Republican party in the twenty first century.
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