Look at that. Isn't it beautiful?
Some people call it 2,4,6-trichloroanisole.
The kids call it TCA.
The old folks call it C7H5OCl3
I like to call it Sheila.
How could such an angelic-looking, sweet, innocent compound have such an insidious effect on our lives, on our very world?
The answer may disgust you.
The answer may frighten you.
The answer may potentially neither disgust nor frighten you.
I, of course, speak of the embarrassing stench of cork taint.
mmmm, cork taint.
Or "corking" as we call it in the business.
Screw tops! I've been had!
That must be a soft cell, because it's cork taint=tainted love.
bubs, your God will not help you now!
dr mvm, "Here's to alcohol: the source of, and answer to, all of life's problems."
jy, for some reason "corking" sounds even dirtier than "cork taint".
jess, I'm willing to arrange an armistice for this war. Too much carnage. T'aint civilized, I tells ya.
kristi, you definitely know how to dole out the punishment. Someone get me some punicillin.
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