Recently, there have been a series of assaults against women on the north side of Chicago. Today, both the Trib and its RedEye are carrying stories related to these attacks in the online editions of their respective papers.
The interesting difference is what image they are running with the accompanying story.
From the Chicago Tribune:

From the RedEye:

In the print edition of the RedEye, the above image actually takes up the entire cover, and isn't tinted red. It's just a regular color picture of the backside of an attractive female walking down the street.
It's as though you, the reader, are stalking her! Sexy, eh?
When I met her nearly three years go, my wife was living down the street from Wrigley Field with her daughter, right by where several of the attacks took place. One of the reasons I'm glad she moved over to North Center with me.
Then again, they could've used a staged photo of some bad guy skulking in the shadows.
Would this be considered Red Journalism?
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