Mekons - Memphis, Egypt
What to begin with? How about a rocking song where the lyrics are spat out, dripping with cynicism about rock itself? Yeah, that'll do.
Public Enemy - 911 Is A Joke
From the great, great album Fear Of A Black Planet. Chuck D is a great rapper and a great lyricist. However, if snottiness is something he needs for a song, he steps aside for Flavor Flav.
Devo - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
I consider this song metasnotty. It takes the Stones song, itself a classic anthem to pissiness, then it knocks the cool out of it and ratchets up the awkwardness. What you're left with is a hyper herky-jerky song that thumbs its nose at old school snottiness. That's pretty damned snotty!
Beck - Truckdrivin' Neighbor Downstairs (Yellow Sweat)
Oh, this song. It starts with a tape of some rednecks arguing (reportedly neighbors of Beck's), followed by a series of verses wherein Beck musically tells them what a-holes they are.
The Doors - Peace Frog
I had the Doors' first album many years ago, as well as a greatest hits double-album. However, it was relatively recently that I first happened upon this song from Morrison Hotel. I was struck by how modern it sounded (particularly the opening). Some people might think Jim Morrison is often the punchline to a bad joke, but he's having a lot of fun being snotty in this song. He mentions blood running on the streets of New Haven, where he had recently been busted by the local constables.
The Dictators - Two Tub Man
This is a classic early punk song that I only heard recently. It comes with a long intro by the wrestler Handsome Dick Manitoba. The lyrics are fantastic. "I've got Jackie Onassis in my pants." Oh, priceless.
And get a load of the album cover:

Modern Lovers - Pablo Picasso
Another classic. This has been covered by many people, including John Cale and David Bowie, but I still prefer the original. I was referencing this song in one of my hypothetical quotes.
The Jesus And Mary Chain - I Hate Rock 'N Roll
One of the snottier songs by one of the snottier bands.
BONUS TRACK: Butthole Surfers - 22 Going On 23
This is why I created the bonus "extra snotty" tracks for this mix. I love this song, but figured I couldn't get away with it unless I made it clear to everyone that it bordered on the offensive. I think it's great, though.
I've really got some catching up to do. I look forward to hearing all of these. The only one I've heard is the Devo track.
...damn, I forgot to add "We're Through Bein' Cool." to my mix.
Wow. Butthole Surfers, that takes me back.
The Dictators! THe Butthole Surfers!
I once had dinner with a couple of the surfers at a Chinese Restaurant on Broadway called "Tin Lung"
And I thought John Cale was the original Pablo Picasso and Richman was a cover version.
How did the dinner with the Surfers come about? Which ones did you dine with?
Looking forward to hearing some of these. I loved the Mekons 'Ghosts of American Astronauts' but know little else about them. My college roommate intro'd me to the Butthole Surfers and that takes me back too! Devo, Beck, The Doors, it's all great.
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