Kristi is going to talk about the latest TV series she is catching up with after-the-fact, and she expects a throwdown like that to go unchallenged?!
What the hell am I talking about? I don't rightly know. I guess because of the fact that she was writing about catching up with a show she had never seen, and I am in the midst of doing the same thing, I thought I would share. I'm a sharer, you know.
After seeing Hot Fuzz at the LaGrange, and rewatching Shaun of the Dead recently on the teevee, I thought I'd dig a little deeper into the history of their creators, Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright.
Way, way back in 1999 they put together a slackerish pop-culture rich sitcom called Spaced. It took me a couple episodes to get into it, but I'm at the end of Season 1 now, and liking it very, very much.
I'm not going to go into the details of the show -- from what I can tell, every episode of the damn show is up on YouTube (though the episodes *are* split into bite-size chunks).
Still, I'll give you a scene from my favorite episode thus far. Simon Pegg's character gets a visit from his bike messenger friend Tyres, who is also a hardcore rave music freak that can't help but feel the rhythm.
Okay, this is weird-- I returned my friend's copy of "Spaced" today because I realized I wasn't going to be able to watch it for a while, and her husband was complaining about it's absence.
Deadspot brought "Shaun of the Dead with him when he and his son came to visit a few months ago. Loved it. Haven't seen "Hot Fuzz" yet.
I too loved Shaun of the Dead and haven't seen Hot Fuzz. I just added that and Spaced to my queue. Thanks!
Wait, I guess Spaced isn't out on DVD yet, or Netflix doesn't have it...?
jy, get that damn DVD back, and watch it, by golly!
kristi, sorry, didn't mean to recommend something that wasn't available. I got it through, ahem, unusual means.
Speaking of Wright/Pegg/Frost, I am sort of miffed that the UK version of Hot Fuzz comes with a lot more stuff than the North American release. DOH!
mc, you're kidding me.
Those limey bastards.
The Glory of the UK release...
Wow, that's impressive!
Hopefully there will be an eventual US release of this (with the proper DVD region or whatever it's called).
I'd definitely pick this up.
But just to add to the true subject of this entry, the reason Spaced isn't out in the States on DVD has everything to do with the music rights... though I am hoping with the popularity of Shaun of the Dead and now Hot Fuzz that eventually they will get it done.
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